The mystical surreal at times, blend of gentle background music by “Kevin MacLeod” compliments the soft hypnotic English female voice which guides you into a level of meditative trance that feels organically right for the listener, which helps the mind to remember from a higher self level more healthy ways to deal with lifes stresses an challenges. Some of the benefits may be as follows but will be unique to the listener.
- Connect with a Higher Power or Source in Align with your Belief System
- Ability to See and Understand things from a Higher Clearer Space
- Free Your Mind from ways of thinking that no longer work for you
- Increase your Spiritual Awareness
- Open Mind to a Higher Intellegence
- Choice to Connect to a Calm Relaxed State of Mind in Challenging Situations
- Physical Relaxation
- Reduction of Stress & Anxiety
As each individual is unique, benefits may differ from person to person
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